This is our site at Port Vincent Caravan Park and Seaside Cabins. It's a fantastic park. Our hosts Mark and Sharon are great. Take note of the site sizes. They supply you with crab rakes to catch blue swimmer crabs. Haven't given it a go yet, I'm still coming to terms with actually raking for crabs, not scooping. We are hoping to get a feed before we go. We went for a drive down to the bigger van park in Port Vincent and we are so glad that we got in where we are. This park is sooo lay back and friendly. Anyway tis another hot one today, we are hoping to see a cool change this arvo..

This is the actual wind farm at Wattle Point. It takes a bit of wind to turn the blades, thats why Dave n Bill are doin there bit below.

How's this for a Pizza Oven!!!!!! We were at Wool Bay and this was a Limestone Kiln (pizza oven) that they used to burn limestone to make the ingredients to make mortar for the original buildings in Adelaide. I like the Pizza story myself.... This was right at the seaside opposite the jetty.

This Dave and Billy getting rid of their wind at the Wattle Point Wind Farm. Not sure if they are helping the greenhouse emissions or contributing to them!!!!!
hahaha im so proud of you boys for doin your part for the environment at the wind farm! :p