This is Dave all decked out with the latest crabbing gear, 2 rakes and a bucket on a rope.... which was all supplied might I add by the guys from Port Vincent Caravan Park and Seaside Cabins. They even gave us the cooker to use as well. We had so much fun. You just walk thru the sandy patches in water on low tide and rake the sand and when you hear the noise like you've hit a rock you rake it and flip the bloody crabs over and flick them into your bucket that you are towing behind. There were a few funniest home video moments. There were King George whiting swimming right next to us, as we didnt have our rods with us, Dave thought he would try to hit them with a rake...dint work naturally...but very very funny to watch..I fell over fully clothed in first 5mins which Dave thought quite funny too.

We cooked them to perfection and theeeennnnnnnnn...

AND....this is what happens.....YUMMMMOOOOO We ate 4 each..little piggies..
Looks like too much fun! Good on ya guys!