HEY UNCLE BRIAN....THAT'S NOT A SNAPPER....THIS IS A SNAPPER... I threw a line in off the jetty and look what I ended up with...I Love Arno Bay...

These are a couple of beauties Dave and Paul(friend we met at Arno) caught. The owner of the caravan park(Steve) took them out in his boat to catch snapper and thats exactly what they did. Dave also caught several huge stingrays but they were soooo big they broke the line.I think Dave said the line had a 4tonne breaking strain..haha they were lucky not to be dragged off to NZ. We met Paul and his wife Joe at the park and they were a great couple. They had been on the road for 2yrs already. AND....NOEL(brother) if you are reading this Paul is only 52.

Not bad for just tossing a line in hey!!!!!!

This is what happens to naughty snapper...we eat them not long after they are caught...even the backbones....YUM..

As you can see on the faces....its pretty darn good...

This is some of the little delicacies we caught straight off the beach. Whiting and Garfish. Yummo...

They even named a park and a beach after us....
did that work dad gaz Guzing@bigpond.com