This is Kalbarri National Park and it was a beautiful Day.

Dave n Deni at Natures Window

Cool dude Bill with his sunnies on. We were sooo high up and it was blowing a gale too. This hole was created by the wind blowing thru it. I dont quite understand what is holding the roof up..

This is a little place in Kalbarri called Blues holes and we had lunch here and then went onto beach for a while.

Billy sitting in the crystal clear water trying to tell us it wasnt cold..Yeh sure Bill.

Dave just popped out the back for a quick surf..

This is the bar into the Murchison river that the cray boats have to negotiate to get back in with their catch. It is like a zig zag path... crazy.

Some of the beautiful coastline at Kalbarri.

Something different...Dave is sitting on another rock Lorry!!!!!

Dave being tricky with his photography, looking thru a tiny hole in the rocks. It came out quite good.
that water is so inviting. you cant compare the ocean with the sea!! love youse. bill is getting so big ahhhhh i miss him too much