How clean is this water????? Israelite Bay is the start of the Great Australian Bight from the WA end. We drove 4hrs and 186klms to get here and 1hr 100klms was on sealed road and the other 3hrs were driven in 2nd gear thru sand and bog holes and a salt lake, but BOY was it worth it. Dave knows how to 4WD now.

Boys playing silly buggers at the old telegraph station site. It must have been a huge place when it was running.

You can take the boy out of cricket, but you can't take the cricket out of the boy. Bill found this cricket bat at the old hut at Israelite. It only weighed a tonne. It was an old hardwood sign. He could hardly lift it even though he has bulked up to 25kgs...

Here stands the Moose waiting patiently while we are fishing for hours off the rocks. Looks like a real TOYOTA ad.

The sand is soooo white that it looks like snow capped mountains. The beaches are amazing here.

See how far away it is to the Moose on the beach, well thats how far we carried all our fish . The next day(when Denise stayed at camp) Dave drove right to this spot here on the rocks so they didnt have to carry all the gear and fish too far. Poor didums.

Dave caught a big fat nothin, so he took the shot of the fisherpeople that caught dinner..

Cooking up a storm which was our catch of the day. Fish cooked slowly on top of hot coals. YUMMO!!! Good on ya Les..

Billy cooked us toads in the hole for breakie. Les showed him how to do it on the hot coals. So guess who's cooking sunday breakie from now on..
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